
Recommended Read: Soul Keeping

   Jon Gordon is a trainer, consultant and inspirational speaker. His books cover a wide range of subjects aiming to help people be positive and to lead better. Interviewed in People and Purpose 11,...

Words to Lead By – Tamara Box

Head of structured finance at global law firm ReedSmith, Tamara Box shares the best piece of advice she has ever received: A woman, now working on exciting infrastructure projects in Africa, gave advice on...

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

The book, which had a significant impact on Dr Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj, encourages readers to embrace vulnerability and imperfection, to live wholeheartedly and courageously. Dr Brene Brown’s book is based on her research into the...

Being human…

Giving a talk on The Art of Conversation, I mentioned a kind of conversation called Thing Talk. Thing Talk is conversation about such subjects as weather, cars, fashion, computers, banks, money, widgets and whatsits, facts...

Words to Lead By – Boomy Tokan

Boomy Tokan  small business consultant, the founder of Start Your Own Business Academy, speaker and author shares his most impactful piece of advice: Tokan suggests to make little tweaks and there will come a time...