How Non-conformists Change the World – Originals by Adam Grant

If you have a look on Amazon, there are approximately 175,000 books on leadership which can make it hard to find something new, unique or challenging.

Professor Kim Cameron, author of Practicing Positive Leadership, encourages us to read more academic and research based books.

Adam Grant, a former doctoral student at the University of Michigan, recently wrote a book called Originals, on how can leaders support originality in organisations.

In the book, Adam Grant shows how to improve the world by championing novel ideas and values that go against the comfort zone and traditions.

“It’s a book that builds on scientific foundation rather than anecdotal stories or personal experiences”– says Cameron. Originals by Adam Grant was recommended by Professor Kim Cameron.
Have you seen our interview with him on Positive Organizational Scholarship?

The book is available on and on

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