
Words to Lead by: Kitty Chisholm

Kitty Chisholm, professional coach, facilitator and Founder Director of Boardwalk, an organisation which supports women in achieving their full leadership potential, shares an impactful piece of advice she has received: Chisholm thinks this advice...

Words to Lead By: Kim Cameron

Kim Cameron, William Russell Kelly Professor of Management and Organizations at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, shares some impactful advice he has received: Kim Cameron recalls an early conversation with a...

Being human…

Giving a talk on The Art of Conversation, I mentioned a kind of conversation called Thing Talk. Thing Talk is conversation about such subjects as weather, cars, fashion, computers, banks, money, widgets and whatsits, facts...

Words to Lead By – Boomy Tokan

Boomy Tokan  small business consultant, the founder of Start Your Own Business Academy, speaker and author shares his most impactful piece of advice: Tokan suggests to make little tweaks and there will come a time...

How data will transform business

In his TED Talk, Philip Evans explains why traditional business strategy no longer works in today’s modern business world. What does the future of business look like? Nowadays, technology is the driving force. Businesses...