5 of the best… resources for team development

Everybody has been involved in a team building activity at some point in life. If you are a manager you are most likely the one responsible for these events. Why is team development an important part of management? Not only for the immediate experience of activities performed by the team but for the results in the long run. Team development has several benefits such as developing trust, calming conflicts, improving communication, increasing (team) performance and much more.
You may have your tried and tested routines, but if you need some fresh team development ideas to make your group more collaborative, then continue reading. We collected 5 resources you can use to strengthen your group of people.
You don’t have to be creative on your own, if you have the budget you can choose from many fun activities and team building events organised by dedicated companies. We recommend steel drumming. It is fun to learn to play an instrument, especially if by the end of the session you can competently perform a song with your colleagues. A Spy Day sounds great as well – a day, when you and your colleagues learn the tricks of the trade and all manner of secret agent skills.
If you are looking for ideas you can use to facilitate yourself, The Big Book of Team Building Games can give you excellent in-house team development activities. The 70 quick and creative games suggested are useful for breaking the ice and they can be adapted to different groups. The book includes how-to tips on choosing the activities for specific situations as well as what-not-to-dos when leading games.
The VIA team report collates the individual character strengths profiles of members to help you understand and build on the team’s unique configuration of strengths. By providing multiple perspectives, the VIA Pro Team Report allows you to develop your group on many levels to enhance team connectedness, performance and engagement, providing an excellent basis for team development work.
Businessballs.com is a free online database of everything that has to do with leadership or management, where you can find advice, models, games, quizzes and templates – everything you need to design and facilitate your own activities. The website has a teambuilding/games section where you can easily find ideas for your next teambuilding session.
One of the most important aspects of team development is keeping your team up to date with what’s going on and engaging them in shared aims. Research suggests that positive team meetings are important contributors to the progress of your team. Download the free Positive Team Meeting Checklist to hold even more effective meetings.
If you are looking for support with team development, including interpretation of the VIA team report, contact the trained practitioners at Formium Development.
High quality and productive meetings can play an important part in achieving excellent team performance. Download the Positive Team Meeting Checklist to help you motivate your team with purpose:Click Here for Your Copy