Editor’s Note – December

Welcome to the December edition of People & Purpose, the Positive Leadership Journal.

It has been a busy few weeks in the P&P office and we are delighted and grateful for the positive feedback and social sharing that surrounded the first issue.

Like many of you, we are spending some time this month in reflection and planning. December lends itself to taking stock and we would love to hear your reflections, please do share them in the comments or at @People_Purpose .

What have your successes been this year? What did you learn?
are you planning for next year?

Our plan for People & Purpose in 2016 is to continue to explore topics such as purposeful leadership, organisational strategy, change management and team development. We would very much welcome suggestions for future contributors. Is there a leader who you would like to hear more from, or a specialist who has worthwhile views to share? If so please tell us at support@peopleandpurosejournal.com.

In this issue we are welcoming Peter Hamill, author of Embodied Leadership, in our feature interview. Watch Simon Sinek’s legendary TED talk on ‘starting with why’ and also the authors of PQ, who introduce their model for political intelligence, the key leadership attribute in a shared power world. Read about making personal changes stick now, without waiting for New Year’s resolutions, and an introduction to coaching as a management tool in our 101 column.

There is an exciting issue in the works for January 2016 concentrating on effectiveness and focus – in the meantime we wish you a very happy and restful festive season.

Eszter Molnar Mills, Editor-in-Chief

Eszter Molnar Mills

Helps organisations and individuals reach enhanced performance by harnessing their strengths, reflecting on what works, and developing skills and strategies for improvement. Eszter is the Programme Director of Chartered Management Institute (CMI) qualifications in Management and Leadership, and Management Coaching and Mentoring.

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